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God is the King

And the Lord said unto Samuel, Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee: for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them.

1 Samuel 8:7 KJV

Even when Israel shifts from a theocracy to a monarchy, God has not abdicated His throne. If you are going to read I and II Samuel, you have to hear this going all the way through these two books. Just because there is a king does not mean that God has ceased being the King. He is still the King. He is still in absolute control, and the king of Israel (small 'k') is God’s vice regent. He is answerable to the King and is ruling in His place. God has not abdicated His rule and His authority and His control to Saul or David or Solomon. He is still King.

And Hannah prayed, and said, My heart rejoiceth in the Lord, mine horn is exalted in the Lord: my mouth is enlarged over mine enemies; because I rejoice in thy salvation. There is none holy as the Lord: for there is none beside thee: neither is there any rock like our God. Talk no more so exceeding proudly; let not arrogancy come out of your mouth: for the Lord is a God of knowledge, and by him actions are weighed. The bows of the mighty men are broken, and they that stumbled are girded with strength. They that were full have hired out themselves for bread; and they that were hungry ceased: so that the barren hath born seven; and she that hath many children is waxed feeble. The Lord killeth, and maketh alive: he bringeth down to the grave, and bringeth up. The Lord maketh poor, and maketh rich: he bringeth low, and lifteth up. He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth are the Lord's, and he hath set the world upon them. He will keep the feet of his saints, and the wicked shall be silent in darkness; for by strength shall no man prevail. The adversaries of the Lord shall be broken to pieces; out of heaven shall he thunder upon them: the Lord shall judge the ends of the earth; and he shall give strength unto his king, and exalt the horn of his anointed.

1 Samuel 2:1‭-‬10 KJV

What did Hannah know that Saul did not? Hannah understood that God is the King. Hannah understood that God is in control. Hannah understood that God is the Rock and in Him alone is salvation, in Him alone is protection and refuge and all the things that we so desperately crave. Hannah understood that what matters for us is not externally, worldly defined success. What matters for us is that we be faithful, that we live a radically God-centered life, that we do not force God to compete with the gods of this age. We need to be radical monotheists. There is only one God and it is Yahweh. It is Him and Him alone that we serve with every ounce of passion that we have in our bodies. That is what Hannah knew and Saul did not.

Hannah exemplified a wonderful confession and prayer of faith. So did David in 2nd Samuel 23:3-5. As with Mary do we really understand that God is the True King to the point that we know He is ALWAYS in control in all our situations and we are to submit to Him.

And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. For he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden: for, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. For he that is mighty hath done to me great things; and holy is his name. And his mercy is on them that fear him from generation to generation. He hath shewed strength with his arm; he hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. He hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted them of low degree. He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich he hath sent empty away. He hath holpen his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy; As he spake to our fathers, to Abraham, and to his seed for ever.

Luke 1:46‭-‬55 KJV

The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will.

Proverbs 21:1 KJV


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